Tuesday 20 October 2015

Ancient Egyptian Clothing


Ancient Egyptian costumes mainly focused on lower body garments than upper body counterparts. Hence, most of the civilization had bare body with a skirt or any drape garment underneath. Due to the extreme heat in this region, they tend to adorn light translucent preferably cotton garment covering their hips. Until later the New kingdom, when robes were worn.
The Egyptian clothing combined beauty and comfort together.


The uniqueness of the garments of this civilization was the numerous pleats seen on the draped garment. A simple loin cloth which was the oldest draped male garment was known as SCHENTI. It was a single strip of linen draped around the hips differentiated by ranks among people. For the Pharaohs, this cloth was much finer, elaborate and pleated. And often accessorized with a tail representing their spirit animal. 

In later periods the length of the skirt grew longer varying from mid-length to calves. The men and women extensively started wearing tattoos, wigs, cosmetics and jewelry. Even the royal ones adorned cosmetics.
Egyptians wore sandals in the later kingdom. The nobility wore sandals made of leather and the common people wore sandals made of papyrus.

Royal men wore a draped elaborate material with folds at shoulders and hips called the royal HAIK. 
The clothing was mainly unisex but women wore a sheath like tunic with thin pleats called KALASAIRES and sometimes a cape on it too. Egyptians even adorned religious and ritualistic garments like their shawl. For modest reasons these were sometimes held by one or two straps too. Of course the lengths of these dresses denoted social classes and ranks too.
The children more than usually wore no clothing at all. 

This are few of my illustrations reflecting on Ancient Egyptian clothing.

Picture Credits : Pinterest
References: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clothing_in_ancient_Egypt


  1. he name Haik means weaver and there s clothing of the same name-an ancient word!

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