Tuesday 29 September 2015

Influence of design and visual culture

Influence of Design and Visual Culture

Design is in our everyday life. It is a part of various different natural and constructed things. We see symmetry and balance quite often in objects. Otherwise they wouldn't be as pleasing to the eye. Design we all know has been a huge part of almost every niche industries. From production to advertising and media platforms to branding, every logo, every page, every print is curated carefully with details.

We have gotten so used to seeing this harmony and balance of design or visual culture around us that they often miss the eye. Design and visual culture has become a necessity in out now metropolitan way of living.

 Visual literacy has educated so many people in our society. People who don't often read, they tend to rely on movies, documentaries and theatres. This visual culture has been very powerful, since it’s easier to decode a message and spread it among the masses. 

The social messages in these motion pictures, logos, signs etc. help us comprehend and respond in a less complex way. The famous director Martin Scorsese has admitted how visual literacy helped him growing in a working class family. His childhood was more inspired by watching television, cinema and stage acts. We have all been several times inspired by a movie or theatre. There are so many different things that affect us unknowingly like the angle of the camera, the screen colour, the use of frame space and several other factors of design in cinematography. 

Hence, movies have a huge impact on the society since more than a century. The critical way of shaping younger minds by recognition of visual images is an essential part of the visual culture. Another very impactful to the visual audience are commercials and product advertisement. Commercials usually tend to stay in our minds for a very long time. Be it the sound or the short film. 

It is an art how a few seconds film can have that widespread influence on people. Visual culture and design morph in a very beautiful way and as a result the society easily interprets the message and art behind it. One of the best examples are Hitchcock movies, which were ahead of its time and the frame spaces in his cinematography intrigued the audience in a peculiar manner. Intellectual imagery often enthrals us in a great manner.

 Take the movie Inception for instance the cinematography and design was so in sync with the visual story telling that it grasped our attention in a major way. Design in our general everyday lives usually escapes the naked eye. Design is really perceptive like art. It is the structures and textures formed intentionally and unintentionally, that create aesthetic harmony in any creative space. This brings me to the notion how we ignore the design formed on roads and transports or even in nature, from the various road signs to patterns formed on the sidewalk. There is design and visual culture in possibly every aspect of our lives, we are just very used to seeing them and hence, don’t pay them enough heed. Design said by many is actually a basic need of humanity. 

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