Monday 21 September 2015

FAPR Assignment on Digital Media


Benefits of Digital v/s Traditional media in a fashion luxury brand:
In today’s digital world media has also changed its face along with the luxury brands in dealing with proximity with consumers and how beneficial it has been. In the past five years we have seen how social media and other internet fads have made audiences and users obsessed with certain things. Hence, digital media proves to be a weapon of great power in the hands of the brands and the market. Not only the manufacturers or producers, digital media is two way and helps consumers to voice their opinion and feedback too. It has bought the whole world in one unit and immensely contributed in globalization with brands and products reaching countries which were never in the bandwidth. We see most brands luxury or generic have apps and e- magazines and even e-retail which helps consumers to access from a certain part of the world the brand doesn't have store in. Print is legendary and will always remain important in sectors but for the raging youth trends are more important and influential along with the growth in science and technology. This virtual form of communication is not just a change in medium but revolution coping with consumer’s emotions on regular intervals. Another benefit is how easily we can calculate data with big numbers in a minute. With games and apps, it engages customers in a certain level which is more personalized to the individual. Consumers can also access various campaigns and several brands with just one click and at ease of their own home or office. One of the major boon for luxury brands are that not everyone can afford or take out time to attend fashion weeks but with the help of digital media, they can access the collection and the glitz of the event just with their smartphones, Tab or laptop from any part of the world. This type of marketing maybe virtual but ironically, it can’t function without human interaction. Hence, this type of proximal communication has proved to be very essential for several brands and marketing.

Role of smartphones in digital marketing:

Previously, phones were used for very primal and basic communication. But, this is the case of a bygone era. Nowadays, a phone or more precisely the digital smartphone is something we can’t imagine human existence without. As a result, smartphone has been involved with digital marketing in recent times too. This is also a reason our print publishing and other traditional brands are affected. As, nowadays from news to other discussion forums everything is completely digital and virtual. The major benefit of this form of communication is that the news or promotion is instant by that I mean, it reaches the masses almost in the very same moment rather than waiting for the news delivered in the latter day’s publication. This helps brands to even acquire instant feedback from the masses. Mediums like social platforms help spread the word of a brand or a promotion instantly via the youth. E-retail websites and apps also help us purchase various collections from different part of the world with just the help of your phone. As phones accompany us everywhere and every hour of the day, we can stay connected to brands and marketing in a very proximal manner. 

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